- benchmarkme::sample_resultsSample benchmarking results
- benchmarkmeData::past_resultsBenchmarking results
- benchmarkmeData::past_results_v2Benchmarking results
- poweRlaw::bootstrap_mobyExample bootstrap results for the full Moby Dick data set
- poweRlaw::bootstrap_p_mobyExample bootstrap results for the full Moby Dick data set
- poweRlaw::mobyMoby Dick word count
- poweRlaw::moby_sampleMoby Dick word count
- poweRlaw::native_americanCasualties in the American Indian Wars (1776 and 1890)
- poweRlaw::populationCity boundaries and the universality of scaling laws
- poweRlaw::swiss_protWord frequency in the Swiss-Prot database
- poweRlaw::us_americanCasualties in the American Indian Wars (1776 and 1890)